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Volunteering as a key for long-term success

Written by Idil Serce The transition from higher education to employment can be a difficult and emotional roller coaster for all new graduates, but especially for visually impaired (VI) graduates who are in a more disadvantaged situation in comparison to their fellow peers. Being VI myself, I know how difficult it is for VI students to focus on their studies and gain work experience whilst fighting with the physical and emotional challenges of living with a VI. As a recent VI graduate, l will share my personal experience of transitioning into the world of employment and the impact that [...]

By |September 9, 2021|Categories: 14 to 17, 18 plus, Employability, Knowledge kitchen, Strive, Volunteering, Wellbeing|0 Comments

How health and fitness helped me manage my mental health when I became blind

By Ibraheem Iqbal Hi everyone, my name is Ibraheem, but you can call me Ibz. I am proud to be one of VICTA’s Young Ambassadors. I have been given the opportunity to write an article about mental health in this issue. I will begin to outline what is meant by health and fitness then I will talk about my own experiences and lastly the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and tips towards achieving it. Before I begin, I would like to make the reader aware that this content may be sensitive to some people. If at any point [...]

By |July 13, 2021|Categories: Sports, Strive, Wellbeing|0 Comments

The importance of healthy eating to improve wellbeing

My name is Harriet and this is my first article for Strive. I am 29 years old, and have an interest in cooking and healthy eating. With this in mind, I wanted to write an article about how eating healthily can effect and improve wellbeing and the science behind it. Here is what I found out. If you sometimes feel depressed or experience changes in your mood on a regular basis, adjusting your diet can dramatically decrease or prevent these feelings. We all know about eating a balanced diet, but there are more subtle changes you can make to [...]

By |July 13, 2021|Categories: Strive, Wellbeing|0 Comments

Maintaining a Positive Mindset as a vision impaired person

Hello! I’m Elin, a 22-year-old from North Wales. I currently split my time between working as a Social Media and Communications Officer in the charity sector, studying a part-time degree with The Open University and writing about all things vision impairment, music and fashion on my blog, My Blurred World. I was diagnosed with the degenerative eye condition, Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), when I was six-years-old, this was three years after my initial symptoms were noted. I was registered blind/severely sight impaired when I was twelve and I like to describe my eyesight as being an old camera which is [...]

By |July 13, 2021|Categories: Wellbeing|0 Comments
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