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Finding work after uni

By Megan Fernandes Hi, my name is Megan. I am 24 years old and I work as a student adviser for a Student’s Union at a London University. I have been working in this role for 3 years and this was the first job I have ever had. Much of what made me pursue this job came from experiences I had at University. At University I studied Criminology and Sociology, and although at the time I didn’t know what job I wanted or could get with this degree, I knew I wanted to work in a job alongside supporting [...]

By |September 13, 2021|Categories: 18 plus, Employability, University|0 Comments

My university experience during lockdown

By Ibraheem Iqbal A stressful storm Hi, I’m Ibraheem. Currently a first year university student studying Psychology at the University of Liverpool. Well, I should be in my second year, but COVID happened. Let me take you back to the beginning, March 2020. All university students were told that studies would continue at home. To some this brought joy, to others confusion and although I can’t speak on behalf of everyone, from my encounters, most were pretty stressed out. Most students I spoke to adjusted to this ‘online’ method pretty fast. I mean attending a lecture while lying in [...]

By |August 11, 2021|Categories: 18 plus, Education, Strive, Uncategorized, University|0 Comments
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