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Volunteering as a key for long-term success

Written by Idil Serce The transition from higher education to employment can be a difficult and emotional roller coaster for all new graduates, but especially for visually impaired (VI) graduates who are in a more disadvantaged situation in comparison to their fellow peers. Being VI myself, I know how difficult it is for VI students to focus on their studies and gain work experience whilst fighting with the physical and emotional challenges of living with a VI. As a recent VI graduate, l will share my personal experience of transitioning into the world of employment and the impact that [...]

By |September 9, 2021|Categories: 14 to 17, 18 plus, Employability, Knowledge kitchen, Strive, Volunteering, Wellbeing|0 Comments

20 recommended apps for a person who has a visual impairment

Mobile phones, tablets and voice activated devices have revolutionised the way people who are visually impaired interact and use technology. Here is our list of great apps to download to make the most out of your device. 1. Tap Tap See TapTapSee is a mobile camera application designed specifically for visually impaired users. TapTapSee utilises your device’s camera and VoiceOver functions to take a picture or video of anything and identify it out loud for you. Double-tap the right side of the screen to take a picture or double-tap the left side of the screen to take a video. [...]

By |July 27, 2021|Categories: Knowledge kitchen, Technology, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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