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My university experience during lockdown

By Ibraheem Iqbal A stressful storm Hi, I’m Ibraheem. Currently a first year university student studying Psychology at the University of Liverpool. Well, I should be in my second year, but COVID happened. Let me take you back to the beginning, March 2020. All university students were told that studies would continue at home. To some this brought joy, to others confusion and although I can’t speak on behalf of everyone, from my encounters, most were pretty stressed out. Most students I spoke to adjusted to this ‘online’ method pretty fast. I mean attending a lecture while lying in [...]

By |August 11, 2021|Categories: 18 plus, Education, Strive, Uncategorized, University|0 Comments

World War I battlefields tour across France and Belgium

With a big trip ahead, an intrepid and excited group from VICTA came together through the hustle and bustle of Ashford International and quickly became acquainted. We hurried aboard our coach and waved ‘au revoir’ to England… France and Belgium here we come! Our travels kicked off with a ‘treat’ for our taste buds as we sampled some of the foods that may have been consumed during the Great War including, corned beef, tinned sardines and canned fruit. After speeding under the English Channel on the Eurotunnel, we emerged on the continent, saying ‘bonjour’ to France and after a [...]

By |August 9, 2021|Categories: 10 to 13, 14 to 17, Activities, Education, Humanities, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Pre-Teen Scientists at the Natural History Museum

18 young people aged 10 to 13 joined VICTA at the Natural History Museum. It was a great opportunity to get up-close and hands-on with some of the Museum’s more unusual exhibits. The day brought students together with lots of great chat over common interests and mutual understanding. Check out our image gallery from the day and make sure you join us on our next pre-teen activity!

By |August 9, 2021|Categories: 10 to 13, Activities, Education, Humanities, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Accessing the ‘true’ university experience by Idil Serce

Deciding to go to university can be a daunting thought for all students but especially for those of us who are visually impaired. From the process of applying to university to balancing the demands of student life and study, it can be a roller coaster for all but none more than the VI student. And on occasions I was overwhelmed. But I found ways of coping and put strategies in place that allowed me to enjoy my time at university and graduate with a first class honours degree. Take my advice, make the most of all of your experiences [...]

By |July 14, 2021|Categories: Education, Strive|0 Comments

My journey conquering the visual industry!

By Ruqaiya Asim Ever since I was little, I’ve had a passion to be creative. From an early age I knew I wanted to go into art, however I didn’t realise how challenging this would be. Being a young person going through sight loss and trying to tackle the visual industry isn’t an easy task, but one I strive to triumph. I don’t want any other visually impaired person to feel as though they can’t achieve something because of what society makes us think. I want to help the VI community understand that they can aspire to do what [...]

By |July 14, 2021|Categories: Arts, Education, Strive|0 Comments

Surviving education as a blind or visually impaired student – By Holly Tuke

This time of year always reminds me of my own journey in education, right from the start of primary school and all the way through to university. I remember the anxious wait for my GCSE and A level results, and the mix of emotions of moving onto the next chapters of my life. I often find myself reflecting on my time in education around this time of year. I attended mainstream school, and then went onto university. My time in education was a bit of a rollercoaster, but I got through it and came out with the grades I [...]

By |July 14, 2021|Categories: Education|0 Comments
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