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A dramatic day with Extant performing arts!

This VICTA activity for 14 to 17s saw us heading into the big city for a real treat with a group of artistic young people! We had a dramatic day with Extant, a performing arts company based in London at Greenwich and Lewisham Young People’s Theatre. Lights, camera, action… we were thrown straight into the spirit of the day, working on our own performing skills by introducing ourselves. However, these were not your average introductions. Each person had to say how they had arrived at the theatre. However we soon discovered these journeys were far too… normal. So we [...]

By |August 10, 2021|Categories: 14 to 17, Activities, Arts|0 Comments

My journey conquering the visual industry!

By Ruqaiya Asim Ever since I was little, I’ve had a passion to be creative. From an early age I knew I wanted to go into art, however I didn’t realise how challenging this would be. Being a young person going through sight loss and trying to tackle the visual industry isn’t an easy task, but one I strive to triumph. I don’t want any other visually impaired person to feel as though they can’t achieve something because of what society makes us think. I want to help the VI community understand that they can aspire to do what [...]

By |July 14, 2021|Categories: Arts, Education, Strive|0 Comments
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