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Volunteering as a key for long-term success

Written by Idil Serce The transition from higher education to employment can be a difficult and emotional roller coaster for all new graduates, but especially for visually impaired (VI) graduates who are in a more disadvantaged situation in comparison to their fellow peers. Being VI myself, I know how difficult it is for VI students to focus on their studies and gain work experience whilst fighting with the physical and emotional challenges of living with a VI. As a recent VI graduate, l will share my personal experience of transitioning into the world of employment and the impact that [...]

By |September 9, 2021|Categories: 14 to 17, 18 plus, Employability, Knowledge kitchen, Strive, Volunteering, Wellbeing|0 Comments

Behind the blog – A VIP’s blogging experience

By Elin Williams In the last few years, blogs have become one of the most popular innovations in the online world with people of different genders, ages, abilities and interests taking to a blog to share their stories, passions and opinions. This has also been the case for many vision impaired people, myself included, and I receive many questions about how I started my blog as well as how accessible I find the process of blogging and sharing content through social media. I established my blog, My Blurred World, in April 2015 to share my experience of living with a [...]

By |September 1, 2021|Categories: 14 to 17, 18 plus, Create, Strive|0 Comments

Volunteering at Junior Parkrun – By Scarlett

For my Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, I volunteered at my local Junior Parkrun. The volunteering system was very structured, with a rotation system so people are allocated different roles each week, but also, for beginners like myself, a system that allowed me to experience each role from a marshalling point to run director. Initially, I started as a marshal, clapping and encouraging the runners around the course. I could hear the sound of the runners’ feet and heavy breathing approaching coming past my point, which allowed me to know when to start encouraging the runners when they were [...]

By |September 1, 2021|Categories: 14 to 17, Fundraising, Sports|0 Comments

A dramatic day with Extant performing arts!

This VICTA activity for 14 to 17s saw us heading into the big city for a real treat with a group of artistic young people! We had a dramatic day with Extant, a performing arts company based in London at Greenwich and Lewisham Young People’s Theatre. Lights, camera, action… we were thrown straight into the spirit of the day, working on our own performing skills by introducing ourselves. However, these were not your average introductions. Each person had to say how they had arrived at the theatre. However we soon discovered these journeys were far too… normal. So we [...]

By |August 10, 2021|Categories: 14 to 17, Activities, Arts|0 Comments

World War I battlefields tour across France and Belgium

With a big trip ahead, an intrepid and excited group from VICTA came together through the hustle and bustle of Ashford International and quickly became acquainted. We hurried aboard our coach and waved ‘au revoir’ to England… France and Belgium here we come! Our travels kicked off with a ‘treat’ for our taste buds as we sampled some of the foods that may have been consumed during the Great War including, corned beef, tinned sardines and canned fruit. After speeding under the English Channel on the Eurotunnel, we emerged on the continent, saying ‘bonjour’ to France and after a [...]

By |August 9, 2021|Categories: 10 to 13, 14 to 17, Activities, Education, Humanities, Uncategorized|0 Comments

My journey of a lifetime with JOLT

My name is Charlie Beeston. I am a 15 year old student from Lincoln living with a visual Impairment. In 2018 my life was changed forever. I was called into the head teacher’s office at school where she informed me of an opportunity of a lifetime with a charity called Jolt. They take disadvantaged young people on a journey of a lifetime. I spent four weeks in the summer of 2018 trekking through Ecuador, Peru and the Galapagos Islands. Here is my summer story: It all started off in the Amazon Rainforest. After two full days travelling we were [...]

By |August 8, 2021|Categories: 14 to 17, Adventure, Expeditions|0 Comments
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