VICTA Activities

Share. Overcome. Celebrate. VICTA activities for 14 to 17 years are the perfect way to challenge yourself enjoy your independence and have fun with likeminded people. Along the way, you’ll pick up new life skills, boost your confidence and build your friendship group. You will meet people your age who also have a visual impairment. They will get you. They will understand you.

“It was a really fun trip.
A great opportunity to
make new friends, build
confidence and
independence skills. I can't
wait for the next trip.”

14-17 RNC 2019

“I was really nervous at the start of the
activity break as I didn't know anyone. It did not
take long to make friends and feel comfortable.
I liked the way the expectation was that we
would behave rather than telling us all the
rules we had to abide by. I loved the range of
activities and the way that we all worked
together to do them. The activity break helped
me to continue to challenge myself and learn
what I can do as my eyesight reduces.”

14-17 RNC 2019

“Thank you VICTA
for helping me to
be comfortable
to be me.”

14-17 RNC 2019

Have you thought about…

Earning your Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Earning an environmental award
Giving back by volunteering
Sharing your story to help others

Activity snaps from Instagram!

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Finding work after uni

September 13, 2021|0 Comments

By Megan Fernandes Hi, my name is Megan. I am 24 years old and I work as a student adviser for a Student’s Union at a London University. I have been working in this [...]

Volunteering as a key for long-term success

September 9, 2021|0 Comments

Written by Idil Serce The transition from higher education to employment can be a difficult and emotional roller coaster for all new graduates, but especially for visually impaired (VI) graduates who are in a [...]

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