14 to 17

You can reach your potential. And this is the place to do it.

At a time when you are probably thinking about your subject choices or looking for your first work experience, you’ll find the support to get you where you want to go. And you’ll have fun doing it – your adventure is out there. This is your space. Take control of your future and say ‘see me’.

14 to 17

You can reach your potential. And this is the place to do it!

At a time when you are probably thinking about your subject choices or looking for your first work experience, you’ll find the support to get you where you want to go. And you’ll have fun doing it – your adventure is out there. This is your space. Take control of your future and say ‘see me’.

Find your

Find your

Are you an adrenaline junky, sports fanatic, eco-warrior or a lover of the arts? Start your adventure here!


Take control

Take control

Speaking up for yourself can be daunting. Being respectful, calm and positive is the best way to get your voice heard. Find the right fit — don’t just fit in!


Stand out

Stand out

Don’t let your sight loss be a barrier. Be your best and challenge other people’s perceptions of what’s possible. You are unique and there is no one like you!




Life is full of choices. Make sure you have what you need to make good, sound decisions. Be an active participant in your own future!


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