Starting a
new school

Get the most out of your new school move. Learn about other people’s experiences and take control of a big milestone in your life.

Starting a new school

Get the most out of your new school move. Learn about other people’s experiences and take control of a big milestone in your life.

Starting a new school

Get the most out of your new school move. Learn about other people’s experiences and take control of a big milestone in your life.

Advice on starting secondary school from BBC Bitesize

Growing up in secondary school

It can seem strange having been the oldest in primary school to being the youngest in secondary school. Remember that everyone in your year will be feeling the same.

Visit the BBC Bitesize website to find out more

Starting secondary school

Pupils talk about their experiences starting secondary school – What is life like in the first year at secondary school? Will I get lost? You’re not the only one with these questions!

Visit the BBC Bitesize website to watch part 1
Visit the BBC Bitesize website to watch part 2

Skills for school life


Take control and learn to become a powerful self-advocate throughout your education journey.

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Look after yourself

Your wellbeing is so important, grow in confidence and learn how to cope with pressures and anxiety.

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Skills for school life


Take control and learn to become a powerful self-advocate throughout your education journey.

Find out more

Look after yourself

Your wellbeing is so important, grow in confidence and learn how to cope with pressures and anxiety.

Find out more

Meek Speaks – My top five transition tips!

Maleeka shares her top tips for VIPs starting secondary school on her YouTube channel.